WAY - EC - Everything Connects...
WAY- Everything Connects is an Environment Communication programme for school students & teachers. It is a behavioural change programme spread over a period of 3 years (5th, 6th & 7th std). It is designed with an aim to inculcate environmental manners and to instigate eco-friendly practices among children at an early age. The programme has shown marvelous results during implementation in English & Gujarati medium schools of Ahmedabad so far.
This programme is one of its kinds as it not only creates awareness among students but also equips them with required knowledge & communication skills to create a positive change in the world around them.
This programme is based on a philosophy that everything whether manmade or natural, living or non-living in the world around us is connected directly or indirectly with each other. Students learn to establish relationships among the elements of their environment through this programme. Once the relationship becomes clear to them, they move closer towards a sustainable lifestyle.
Teachers' Feedback
• The three things I like about the program were :
• The impact this program created -
• Why is environment education important for these children ?
Click here for more images of school programme...
"I loved the WAY program because it gave me so much information about the world. It gave me ideas on improving my environment and taught me ways to interact with people. I always put off the lights before leaving my classroom and advice my family and friends to be environmentally responsible."
"The assessment methods at WAY were very nice. We would always learn with exercises and group work. Every class we would be divided into 5 groups and given tasks. We were assessed with stars and the better we did the more stars we could collect. It was not competitive but we all learnt together. Prakshal sir was very supportive. He made us confident enough and equipped us with skills to talk to people. During surveys, he would stand next to us, advice us on our skills and be very supportive."
"I did not know my talent of public speaking before this program. Since my association with this class, I gained skills in speaking. We performed skits and plays for the program, which is where I realized my interest and talent in speaking. My confidence increased in class and other social circles. My friend and I once had a fight since she threw a chocolate wrapper on the road. I am conscious of small details and the environment because of the WAY program."
"I did not understand the importance of environment before and how closely we are associated with the environment. After the WAY program, we know that our small actions make a big impact and we should only use what is required."
"Environment was only a subject in our school. Now it is everything around us. We learnt so much on environment topics through the WAY program which was taught to us for 3 years. I understood my links with the environment, the wastage created by people and how we are destroying our surrounding beauty."
"I understand we have scarce resources. I have learnt that
water must be conserved and used judiciously. When my
grandmother fills water every morning, I ensure taps are
shut once the bucket is full. I can no longer see
water being wasted since I now understand its
"At the WAY program, we did a survey on plastic and its usage. We learnt that plastic can never be destroyed and is very harmful to the environment. I told my family about these things and now my mother always carries a plastic bag while going to buy vegetables."
"My class made fun of me and scolded me
when I spat on the road. They took photographs
and showed everyone. This made me
understand my wrong deed and I
will not do it again. Everyone in my class
knows right and wrong regarding environment
and makes constant efforts to change
their behavior."
"My mother is very thankful to the WAY program since
now we understand the importance of saving electricity
and switch off the television and other appliances when
not being used. In this way we get much lower
electricity bills."
"I can now confidently participate at events. We were
taught environment concepts; our teachers groomed
us and taught us skills to make posters, presentations, etc.
I had never interacted with people alone or conducted
surveys before. This instilled great confidence in me. I
was also able to campaign on environment
issues and solutions."
The three things I like about the program were :
Chetan Patel
1. Children got an in-depth understanding of 'What is environment, related issues and solutions'
2. They were able to overcome stage fear and gain confidence. They have been able to conceptualize and put together a skit on environment, themselves.
3. Informative interactions and discussions on the environment among children
Mittal Shah
1. Confidence levels of children increased with the WAY methods of instruction
2. Personality development of children who can now conduct performances and surveys
3. Not classroom instruction and lecture based but children's ideas were brought forward and built on
The impact this program created -
Chetan Patel
"Nikunj was an intelligent student but struggled with presenting his views. With this program, we have seen a marked difference in his confidence levels. He is able to express his thoughts and speak in the classroom since the WAY program. Jignesh is another student who is an example of the difference WAY has made in these children's lives. Jignesh discovered his passion and talent for acting through his participation in skits. Environment education is more practical when children can continue and do things by themselves after the program, which can be monitored. WAY Program could achieve that. Our school electricity bill of Rs. 40,000 was brought down considerably since the program."
Mittal Shah
"This program has helped us identify children's other talents since we only focus on studies in the classroom. The good teaching methods along with friendly, cooperative and supportive instructors of the program created a great change in behaviors of children. The campaigns and activities boosted children's awareness and exposure to extracurricular activities."
Why is environment education important for these children ?
Chetan Patel
"A child from an unfortunate background or slum is never given a holistic education. Environment education is very important for a child's overall development. Children are the best advocators of change. They pass information onto their families and in their communities. When they are taught concepts related to the environment in school, they are shaped at an age when they learn and absorb information best. Methods of 'Learning with doing', 'Fun while at work', focusing on developing ideas of children, teaching communication skills and evaluating children's learning through practical methods makes a child remember environment concepts for a lifetime."
Mittal Shah
"I have done home visits and have seen water issues and wastage of resources in the slums, where these children live. These kids teach what they learn at school, at their homes. Kids can continue this learning and be role models in their society. They can create a difference with their constant efforts and discipline in environment responsibility. Not just class and study, you need practical knowledge to be a change maker. Environment campaigns were run for the first time in a municipal school and a new "environment" in the school added to the classroom learning. This led to an all round development of my students."