Project Brief:
As a part of environmental communication for climate change WAY conceptualized and developed an animation film of 8 minutes in Hindi (with English subtitles) on simpler understanding about climate change for school students. Under the project WAY conceived and designed three booklets on climate change targeting school children of 7th to 12th standard. The book was developed in 2 languages and 3 versions. One among them is in English, targeting the urban English medium school students, other two were in Gujarati; targeting the rural schools and Gujarati medium school students of urban areas.
Following were the final products of this project:
1. “Hara Pitara” – animation film on global warmin
2. “Its hot & its happening” – booklet on global warming in English
3. “ Vicharyu nahi to vicharo havey” - booklet on global warming in Gujarati - rural
4. “ Vicharyu nahi to vicharo havey” - booklet on global warming in Gujarati - urban
The content of these communications were based on the findings of research study. Before designing content of the above mentioned communication materials WAY had conducted a communication research on understanding the existing knowledge and awareness of climate change among teachers and students. Nearly 600 students and 50 teachers from rural and urban parts of Gujarat were surveyed under this study.
Broad objectives of the research study were: