“Discovering the World Around You” is an innovative urban outdoor programmes conceptualized by WAY. “Discover WAY” provides an urban experiential learning along with fun. It is an extension to our WAY-Everything Connects programme. This has been designed keeping children from municipal schools in mind. The programme basically aims at expanding the thoughts and dreams of municipal school children through the tool discovering the unknown.
As commonly observed the basic meaning of environment is perceived as forests, wildlife, rivers, clouds, fossil fuels, eco systems etc. But at WAY, we believe, that each and everything which we see, smell, taste, hear and feel around us constitutes the environment whether it is home, garden, school, office, roads or traffic. Each of these elements has a role to play and each of these things is connected to one another in some way. And thus knowing different environments around us will help develop a holistic idea of environment as such.
In lights of hard fact, that the municipal school students get their basic education under difficult conditions, talking about an outdoor based education seems out of the world. The purpose of such a programme will be more of experiencing than teaching. Through this programme we want students to make life-long memories that will somewhere down the line help them in developing their personalities, choosing careers and creating positive changes in the world around us. Here, the environment itself will become a live classroom for them. The medium of exploration will be merely their senses and innocent minds. The programme will be launched soon.