"Shopping for the Planet (SFP)" is a unique Green Movement innovated & successfully implemented by World Around You (WAY) across major cities of Gujarat. SFP is designed to address one of the most common problems of today’s urban areas i.e. waste. SFP promote REDUCE-REUSE-RECYCLE in a very unique style. Here we channelize the donations received in form of old things from one section of the society to the lesser privileged section. And the entire process of channelizing the waste is done in a very beautiful manner through an interesting mock shopping experience. Every event not only makes lives little more colourful but also helps us save our planet by re-circulating your goods which would otherwise end at landfills.
We have already successfully conducted "Shopping for the Planet" event thrice in Ahmedabad, once in Anand, Baroda & Surat. In last one year we have successfully brought smiles to nearly 600 students by re-circulating nearly 12,500 old goods including clothes, stationery, story books, toys and games.