Frequently Asked Questions
These answers are prepared for basic information only. For complete details please refer the Rules & Regulations document.
About Project
1.What is this study called GEPG ?
GEPG is an acronym of Good Environment-friendly Practices in Gujarat. GEPG is a study where efforts are being made to identify, evaluate and document such environmental practices that have made significant contributions towards saving our environment. As an outcome, the study would find 20 best practices that will showcase environment consciousness & action spirit of people and organizations of Gujarat who are committed towards a better tomorrow.
2.What does a practice mean ?
Practice means any initiative/project/activity that contributes in conservation of land, water, soil, energy and biodiversity. The initiative should be environmentally non-degrading, technically appropriate, economically viable and socially acceptable, thereby making the system sustainable.
3.Who has initiated this study? What are the roles of different organizations involved in this study ?
GEPG has been initiated by Gujarat Ecology Commission (GEC). GEC is sponsoring and managing the study. World Around You (WAY) has been appointed as the official environment communication partner & process advisor for GEC during this study. WAY is an environment communication (EC) initiative that is working towards sustainable living in Gujarat.
4.What does GEC do ?
Gujarat Ecology Commission (GEC) was established by government of Gujarat to address the State's environmental issues and facilitate development of sustainable technologies. The Commission's main role is to design projects, and is also involved in their execution, monitoring and evaluation. It works in areas associated with ecological and environmental protection. The commission also undertakes, on its own and in collaboration with other agencies, initiatives for the protection of ecosystems under threat and restoration of ecologically degraded zones.
5.What does WAY do ?
World Around You (WAY) is one of the few dedicated organizations that are working in the field of sustainable development using environment communication (EC) as a medium. WAY provides EC services to a wide range of clients including educational institutions, Government agencies, NGOs and corporate bodies. Since its inception, WAY has innovated variety of EC programmes, events, campaigns, communication materials, researches and strategies. WAY also works as communication consultants to government departments for carrying out communication researches to support or enhance strategic planning.
6.Why is this study being conducted ?
While the purpose of the study is to recognize, reinforce & reward GEPG, it is not a 'competition'. Based on this study, GEC intends to showcase action spirit of environment conscious people and organizations of Gujarat by bringing out a dedicated publication of 20 selected case studies.
7.Who can apply?
Right from any individual to any industry, who has initiated an activity / a project / an initiative that has created a positive impact on the standard or quality of environment, is eligible for the application. The participant must be an Indian citizen/individual or Indian registered company/organization or foreign company/organization with a registered presence in Gujarat. Individual participant must be above 18 years of age as on April 30, 2012. Failure to observe this will deem any selected entry invalid.
8.What if I have an idea yet to be implemented ?
The practice must be already implemented and should not be in a planning or conceptualizing stage. The practice should have completed at least 2 years on or before May 15, 2012.
9.Who cannot apply ?
Application for the activity of awareness campaigns, educational programmes, media initiatives, personal practices, mandatory practices (within the call of duty), and any activity of making green/eco-friendly products, buildings, machines, instruments will not be considered for this study. An organization cannot participate on behalf of its subsidiary, other units; parent organization or other organization under the parent organization. A participant can not participate in more than one study category.
10.Why should anyone participate in this study ?
This study mainly aims to bring forward good practices. Those practices selected by the final Jury will be studied in detail and will be presented as one of the best environment-friendly practices prevailing in Gujarat in a book. The finalists will not only get a certificate & memento, they will also be felicitated at a book launch ceremony. They will also get a copy of the book signed by some well-known personalities. The practices will also get recognition across the state, also at national and global level.
About Application
1.How to apply for this study ?
Participants can visit the website or and download the application form from the website. They can also avail the forms from WAY office on prior request. For advertisement, the participants can check the above mentioned websites regularly. Besides, publishing advertisement in the prominent newspapers, circular inviting nominations shall also be sent to secretaries concerned in the government of Gujarat, and other recognized institutions and experts. Calling of entries would remain open upto 30 days from the date of announcement. Participation in the study is subject to defined rules and regulations available on website or
2Where and when should we apply ?
Complete application form should be sent to the address mentioned below within 30 days from the date of the advertisement. Send your entries super-scribing the below mentioned details.
“Application for GEC Study on Good Environment-friendly Practices in Gujarat (GEPG)”
The Project Head – GEPG,
World Around You (WAY),
8, Nila Appartments,
Thaltej, Ahmedabad – 380059.
Along with filled forms, participants may also send upto 5 photographs & newspaper coverage each supporting their project/ initiative/ activity with relevant description. This is advisable but not compulsory.
3What care should we take while applying ?
The applications will be accepted only in English or Gujarati language. Permanent ink should be used for filling the form. Incomplete forms will not be accepted. The forms must be signed at the designated space by the individual or organisation. Forms received after the last date of application will not be considered. Management will not be responsible for any forms lost during transit or is received in unreadable or damaged condition. Every participant can send only one application per study.
4What after the application ?
All the received applications will go through an evaluation process.
5What will be the evaluation process ?
All the applications will be checked by the scrutiny committee and valid entries will be selected. The selected entries will go to the screening jury. The screening jury will shortlist the nominees for final jury evaluation. The nominees will have to make personal presentations in front of the final jury. The nominees will present their case in detail and also provide necessary documented evidences in terms of photographs, video, media coverage etc. The final jury will select the final list of 20 good environment-friendly practices in Gujarat.
6Who should one approach for assistance in filling the application form ?
WAY helpdesk can be contacted at +91-79-26850284. You can also e-mail us at
7When will the applicant become liable for disqualification ?
If GEC seeks any additional information from the participant and if the participant does not comply within 3 days from the date of contacting, the participant will be disqualified. If any information provided by the participant is found to be incorrect then the participant will be liable for disqualification. GEC may take penal action against the participant for providing false information.
About how to nominate
1I know someone/some organization that does this kind of work. What should I do?
2How can I become a part of this study ?
If you have been implementing any practice, then you can apply. If you know someone who is implementing any such practice then you can nominate that individual or organisation.